Plenary Session
Plenary Talk 1
Title: “Advances in Devices and RF Circuit Design for Ambient RF Energy Harvesting in IoT Applications”
Speaker: Dr. Luong Duy Manh (Le Quy Don Technical University, Vietnam)
IoT sensors are low-power devices deployed with high density in the networks located in complex locations, such as inside the human body; in remote and inaccessible areas, such as riverbeds; in complex terrains, such as offshore seas and islands; or in the mountains, etc. One of the most critical requirements for these smart devices is the ability to remain in uninterrupted operation over long periods. Radio frequency (RF) energy has recently become a promising renewable energy source for running these devices due to the increasing number of wireless signal sources in the environment, including mobile base stations, Wi-Fi, radio and television transmitters, Bluetooth, and mobile phones, etc. In this talk, I will present recent advances in the view point of devices and RF circuit design for ambient RF energy harvesting (RFEH) in IoT system applications. These important devices include Schottky barrier diode (SBD), silicon on thin buried oxide (SOTB) and super-steep FET transistor (SSFET). In the view point of RF circuit for RFEH, I will focus on various circuit configurations for the RF signal rectifier. Finally, I will present some considerations on the effects of the modulated signals on the efficiency of the ambient RFEH system.
Short Biography:
Luong Duy Manh received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in Physics from Hanoi University of Science (HUS), a member of Vietnam National University (VNU), Hanoi, Vietnam, in 2005 and 2007, respectively, and the D.E. degree in Electronics Engineering from the University of Electro-Communications (UEC), Tokyo, Japan, in March 2016. From April 2016 to June 2017, He was a postdoctoral researcher at Nagatsuma Lab, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University where he involved in a Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) project on “Development of terahertz integrated technology platform through fusion of resonant tunneling diodes and photonic crystals” for development of the THz integrated circuit. He also involved in a JST project on “Ambient RF energy harvesting technology using Super Steep transistors and Meta Material antennas” for development of devices in RF energy harvesting for IoT system applications. He is currently a lecturer at Faculty of Radio-Electronic Engineering, Le Quy Don Technical University, Hanoi, Vietnam. His research interests include development of microwave semiconductor devices and circuits, RF circuit design for RF energy harvesting applications and development of terahertz (THz) integrated systems for wireless communication applications based on fusion of resonant tunneling diodes (RTDs) and photonic crystals. He has involved in a variety of major national and international projects on RF, microwave, THz as well as IoT systems design. He has published many papers in major journals and conferences.
Plenary Talk 2
Title: “Augmented Human: AR 4.0 Beyond Time and Space”
Speaker: Prof. Woontack Woo(KAIST, Korea)
In this talk, I will introduce ‘Augmented Reality’ and explain it in the view point of a new concept, ‘Ubiquitous Virtual Reality (UVR)’, which is realized by 1) 3D Link between dual (real & virtual) spaces with additional information 2) CoI (Context of Interest) augmentation with Multimodal content 3) Bidirectional Interaction in dual spaces. I will also explain some core technologies (such as 3D modeling, recognition, and tracking of 3D objects) and then demonstrate possible UVR applications such as DigiLog Book, Digilog Miniature, CAMAR Tour, dual Space merging, etc. Finally, I will share my perspective on the future direction of UVR in the view point of real-virtual symbiosis.
Short Biography:
Woontack Woo is a Professor and the head of the Graduate School of Culture Technology (GSCT) at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea. He is the director of both CT Research Institute and KI-ITC Augmented Reality Research Center. He also has been Vice President of the Korea Game Society (since 2020), the Korean Institute of Next Generation Computing (since 2011), the CG&I Society in the Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers (since 2010), the HCI Society of Korea (since 2008), the Korea Computer Graphics Society (since 2008), etc. He received his BS in Electronics Engineering from Kyungpook National University (KNU, Daegu, Korea) in 1989 and his MS in Electronics and Electrical Engineering from Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH, Pohang, Korea) in 1991. In 1998, he received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering-Systems from University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles, CA, USA. In 1999, as an invited Researcher, he joined Advanced Telecommunications Research (ATR), Kyoto, Japan. From Feb. 2001 to Feb. 2012, he served as a Professor in the School of Information and Communications (SIC) and Director of Culture Technology Institute (CTI) at Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), Gwangju, Korea. He coined the terminology, “Ubiquitous Virtual Reality (UVR)” and initiated UVR Lab at GIST in 2001. Since then he has developed various augmented reality applications such as “DigiLog Books, DigiLog Miniatures and DogiLog Spaces” and published more than 400 papers in major journals and conferences. The main thrust of his research has been implementing UVR in smart space, which includes Context-aware Augmented Reality, Augmented Human, Augmented City and Augmented Society.